Pic of the Month

Pic of the Month
You know the economy is bad when people are growing their own hats

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Chivalry Isn't Dead - But Women Are Killing It

Chivalry Isn’t Dead – But Women Are Killing It

They say chivalry is dead.  They are wrong.  I still open and hold doors for ladies.  I still try to walk on the traffic side of an escorted female.  I use an extra measure of politeness when around the fairer sex.  As long as I live, it will exist in some form.  However, there are those that oppose my efforts to keep chivalry alive.  The greatest surprise is that the biggest opponents are women.

I’ve been chided by a female more than once for holding the door for them.  The first time it happened, I was shocked.  It’s not often I’ve been treated as if I did something rude when I was intentionally being polite.  The woman was irate and offended. 

The problem seems to be that “liberated” women see it as a sign of weakness to accept help – even if it is as a courtesy – from a man.  They fought so hard for equality that they think they are giving up ground for a man to do something for them.  Their reactions are dealing the death blows to good manners.

This is chivalry’s death toll.  The gallant are being discouraged by those benefiting from the gallantry.  You see, chivalry isn’t convenient, or easy.  In fact it is often inconvenient and seems a waste of time.  It is rarely acknowledged by the recipient, and sometimes is acknowledged negatively.  So the gallant give up.  And chivalry receives another blow.  The next time the man encounters a woman at the door, he doesn’t hold it, and if the woman expected it, chivalry receives yet another blow.  The next time, she opens the door herself even though a man is nearby – and yet another blow is dealt.  Chivalry fades and swoons soon to be down for the count.

All hope is not lost.  As women are killing chivalry, they can also be its salvation.  Acknowledge every kindness by a chivalrous male quickly, positively, and enthusiastically.  Expect it.  Even demand it if need be.  I am convinced that if chivalry is to be revived it will be by the lips of women.


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